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    shadowrocket节点购买 - 好看123:2021-9-30 · 2.苹果小火箭shadowrocket节点几种添加方式,怎么用法?咔咔团 点击前往 网站介绍:苹果小火箭现在只能在美区下载到,下载的时候需要2.99美金,可众礼品卡购买,也可众登陆别人的美区账号,直接在美区的appstore里搜索shadowrocket,如果别人已经付费过,...

     Our 12" welcome sign is engraved to give it a shiplap look, made from birch plywood  & can be stained or painted! Thats totally up to you! 

    Our Vintage Truck kit comes with 12 pieces one for each month, each piece is engraved and ready for paint!

    Our Gnome kit can be a stand alone gnome or a gnome sign. We have an outfit for each month of the year and will be adding more very soon! 

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    Shop Welcome DIY Kits

    Shop Gnome DIY KITS

    Shop Vintage Truck DIY Kits

    Here at The little Green Bean we are a husband and wife team! We live on a beautiful lake in northern Minnesota with 2 of our 3 boys.

    We specialize in making unique handmade decor for your home. Everything in our shop is designed and created  at our home studio here in northern Minnesota. 

    We thank you for supporting our dream & our family. We can't wait to make something just for you. 

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